RFR page sketches

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Preaparation is the key small

In the beginning of RFR’s production Silver bought me a Moleskine storyboarding notebook which I started using right away to sketch out the first couple of chapters. Over time, as we had more and more of the story written out, I kept adding new chapters to it.

It’s full of scribbles, each uglier than the previous, only readable to me, even if just barely. Still, this notebook marks the first, and possibly most important stage in drawing a comic book: thumbnailing the story.

Thumbnailing is not about pretty pictures; it’s your roadmap and your comic’s visual plotline. It’s crucial to be prepared and ready, knowing your overall goals and each page’s content before you zoom in on the individual panels. It’s all about story pacing, and page composition and flow, already marking places for drama and suspense. This is where I decide between a silent, one panel page, and a ten panel, action packed sequence, or how to best compose the blacks and whites and lights and shadows that the comic is basically made out of.

You will add the character acting and nuances when you get to drawing the actual panels, but for storyboarding you’ll have to think more like a storyteller than a portrait painter. The key is to always understand how each page works with multiple pages forward and back. If you have this, 80% of your decision making is basically done.

Optimally, you’d have all your story written out by the time you start thumbnailing. This is one thing we learned from RFR: have a script or at least a plotline ready before you start drawing anything. Having to make changes in writing is much easier than having to decide to throw ten inked pages out the window because the story needs to go a different way after all.

All that said, I wanted to give you a little peak into this scribbled mess I’ve been calling “RFR thumbnails”:


Wake up at 5.30

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Just a regular Sunday.


I’m big on habits and optimizing my life, mainly because I’m always stretched for hours between multiple projects and my never-ending creative needs, and I’m always looking out for new tools and thoughts on how to streamline my life.

Lately, I’ve come upon a new habit that has made my life a lot more enjoyable and easier; I can’t believe how much it baffles my friends when I tell them what it’s all about. Now, I can’t generalize and say this applies to everyone. Actually, it definitely doesn’t. I can’t say that it applies to you, dear reader, but since it is my blog, I can try to give as much bad advise as I feel like.

What I’ve come upon is something simple, it’s something I wish I’d began a decade ago and not a year ago, and it’s something poisonous to the nerd and geek communities: it’s waking up at 5.30 in the morning.

Knowledge workers generally tend to wake up flexibly, pointing out that their creative juices can only perform at specific times, saying that their best work only comes late at night, and that there’s no way they can even think straight in the morning. And while I don’t doubt that people have specific golden times during their day specifically set aside for the part of their brain that does writing, coding, or art, I also think that with certain mindfulness we can control or adjust it. Even if there really is only one magic hour late at night during which people are most creative, all that special time goes to waste if you’re too tired to do anything with it.

The whole point of waking up at 5.30 is not just to shift your day couple of hours earlier and do things like you would normally, but to change things around so that you can enjoy your spare time with your energy full, instead of tired and wasted.

For example, in my case, I’ve always lived the routine of waking up as late as possible, eating as quick a breakfast as possible, rushing to work, working for nine hours (+travel), have dinner, and finally sit down to relax. Tired from over ten hours of intense concentration and a meal digesting, I sure as hell never felt creative in the evening. Maybe after a few hours of resting there’s a spark of a thought in my head again, and I rise to the occasion to write or draw, only to find that it’s time to go to bed or risk sleep deprivation. A vicious cycle of feeling like crap for never finishing any creative projects, coupled with desperate lack of sleep made serious personal work only possible during the weekend.

For years I struggled with writing RFR and Daughters one hour a night, every night restarting with a buzzed out head, fighting with any decisions that required more than 1+1 calculations. Coffee and tea helped – a little – but all that lost time during the evening procrastination was ugly and painful.

Last year we switched things around and started waking up at 6.30 am (we go to the office at 9.30-10.00 am), and gained three hours of time for a nice solid breakfast, personal creative works and exercise, before spending the brain juice on professional game making. We still scheduled an hour of PC time between dinner and pre-sleep reading, but that was nothing but a gateway to procrastinating again.

Now, since we’ve managed to move the clock even further down, making the waking up happen at 5.30, gaining us a solid four and half hours of uninterrupted and well rested personal time, during which we can freely concentrate on daunting creative tasks like coming up with new universes and writing that requires concentration. This means that after work I really only have time for groceries, food, and an hour or so of reading, before succumbing to sleep at 10 pm.

I want to reiterate that I have not just magically gained more hours every day, just shifted the ones that got wasted in the evening to morning when I’m still rested.

At first, I was worried how this would affect my professional work, but it didn’t. I don’t feel any more or less tired form when I did before by the end of the day, and I think my mood has only improved – hence generating only better work. My body really only shuts down after dinner, which is why I pretty much just stay in bed with a book after food, willingly surrendering to my bodies will to sleep.

I am curious to see how far this can be adjusted, and I hope to try 4.30 am at some point, because as I mentioned, I’m a big fan of life hacking and finding the best patterns for my creativity. I’m worried about going to sleep at 9 pm though.

I realize this really doesn’t work for anyone with a social life or a partner with a different schedule, but if you’re a creative hermit like me, working together day and night with your best friend and lover, then I strongly urge you to give a good look at what you’re really spending all those hours on, and are there any steps you can actively take to make your every day happier.

What’s the harm in trying?


Silver Saaremaeel

Twitter me your bad life-advise @runfreakrun or say “hallo hallo” at the RFR facebook page!

Art give-away finished – looking for next ideas!

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Just before last December we announced a Run Freak Run winter art give-away, where we randomly picked out a winner of one of our favorite RFR pieces to date. The only thing you had to do to be included in the lottery was to be signed up for our newsletter.

Today we’re happy to announce that Two and Priscilla are making their way to Jared in Massachusetts, and based on talking to Jared we’re more than confident they’ll get a great home from him. :)

Now we’re on a lookout for new ideas for giveaways, or competitions. If you guys have anything in mind, please let us know and we’ll steal it, and take all the credit.


We’ll miss you guys. – Click to open in full size.



We’ve also been doing some new RFR inking recording, but due to some technical problems we lost our last recording. But we’ll keep trying and no doubt succeed with the next page, and like always, send it to our newsletter first and then get it on the blog too.


Sometimes the record sizes grow out of whack and our software crashes. Might be time to look in to new codecs.

But the inked page itself is safe from any harm; you’ll see it in its full glory eventually in the comic, but here’s a couple of sneak peeks of the work in progress. :)


Sketch vs. inked page. Everything is drawn at least thrice.


“Har har har STOMP!”


On Daughters of the Witch Queen side we’re working on the first editing passes for part 2, and we’ve just began the second pass on part 3. The novelettes are growing larger and larger with each part because there’s more story to unravel, new characters to meet, and information to reveal. We also have a full magic system to make sense of.

We’re consciously trying to limit ourselves to the 40-60 pages/part so we can keep releasing them with a reasonable speed, while also leaving some time aside for illustrations, since that’s something we love doing too.

We’re not quite ready to announce part 2 release date yet, but -soon-.

Oh, and we’ve also started to work on DotWQ website – We’re aiming to blow your minds with it.




Hit me up at twitter @runfreakrun or send us an email anytime, it’s extremely fun to talk you guys. :)




The horizontal ones

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The first year year of making Run Freak Run was riddled with confusion, self doubt and too often pushing yourself over the edge to a free fall into burnout. So, I’d rather just be happy about having gotten mostly over the biggest hurdles of this project and for having a good rhythm going for me, instead of looking back at a harder phase of production.

Nonetheless, I was jolted back in time, when Silver dug up a stack of RFR pages. The pages. In our minds these were the infamous pages. The bittersweet ones. The ones that were our false start.

The horizontal ones.


22 consecutive pages never saw the light of day.

22 consecutive pages never saw the light of day.

Monsters were changed...

Monsters were changed…

P1020762 copy

Some full page vistas were removed…

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The pace of the story was quickened…

Some techniques were dropped due to their time consuming qualities.

Some techniques were dropped due to their time consuming qualities.


Yes, we have 22 pages of RFR in horizontal format. I’ve always liked horizontal graphic novels and it felt like a better format to publish on the internet. We never got to try out that theory though, because we restarted the comic in vertical format after the first chapter was done.

We had given ourselves a year of preparation before we’d launch the webcomic. Out of those 12 months, only 6 were left at that point and we were in square one again.

Funnily enough I don’t remember switching to a regular format being a hard decision. We had reasons that fundamentally outweighed the “cool” factor of the horizontal pages. More affordable printing costs in the future being one of them.

The positive note in these kinds of situations is the knowledge you accumulate on the first try. Restarting something you’ve worked hard on will be demoralizing, but redoing the work will go faster than on the first try and dare I say, even better if you hunker down and just do it.

Silver got to rewrite some of the story, I got to streamline the techniques I wanted to use for drawing the pages. All in all it gave the comic a slightly better start and made our future production easier.
There’s no big morale to this story. As you already know, everything has ended well. Sometimes false starts just happen. And I guess you just have to know when to kill your darlings and restart.




Saturday drawing

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Today was one of those nice Saturday’s when we did nothing but draw, write, and take photographs of pages that are coming up in the near future. While these pages are not released yet, they are spoiler free and without dialogue. If you are interested of purchasing this, or any other RFR page then hit us up on the store or get in touch with us.

So, enjoy these photos of Kaija drawing, and click to enlarge for some detail linework. See you on Monday for the next page update!

shake shake
2 3 4
draw draw


Tweet, tweet and say hi @runfreakrun

killing your darlings

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Sometimes in production you have to make cuts.

Sometimes no matter how you like something, and think it could be pretty cool and enjoyable, you have to put your priorities right and focus on the real important things. It’s called killing your darlings in literature, and here’s one particular Run Freak Run darling that we killed in order to not get sidetracked!
We cut it because, while it could’ve been a fun adventure adventure for Two; with magic, and conspiracies and some bonding and character-building – it wasn’t taking the story in the direction we want to take it.

But no work is ever wasted! And so, in the spirit of sharing and salvaging we still wanted to release the almost-finished script here in the blog!

Usually Kaija would take a script like this and just play with. First thumbnailing all the pages and then drawing and inking them one page at a time. After that, I do the final text edit and lettering and we’d be good to go to release it online!

So, even if it doesn’t have any pictures at all – we hope you can enjoy this little side story of Two, and her sister Nine.



SCENE 1 : Two brothers walking in a forest
Setting: Lush forest setting in day.
Ares (slim and crooked), Vetus (big and slouchy), Mushroom-men and the Guardian of the forest.

Two men are walking on a forest road. They are both shady looking bandits. Faces covered in pores and acne. They are ugly and disgusting and borderline troll-looking. One big, one slim. The slim is leading them forward in the forest road. Let’s call them Vetus and Ares, for the sake of readability of the script.

Brotha, I dun’t think we should be here…

What’s the matter brah? Forgot your guts home now didja? It’s just a forest,
nothing more, just like father told. And when we reach the center of it, we’ll find the treasure.

But the witch…

Just a little mushroom witch, father said we’ll be fine. Stupid mushrooms, ain’t got nothing on us. Ain’t that right, brotha?


I made a song for this trip, it’s called Money.
Money money money.


Money money moneeyy. Means a lot of honey. If ya know what I mean. Rah rah
rah rah!


What! I’m busy!

The slim brother’s ready to beat on his brother.


A tiny spirit mushroom is standing on the side of the forest.

PAGE 2 : The brothers first poke the mushrooms who then exponentially start to overrun them, and something bigger, the guardian is getting closer.

What is that…?

He pokes it with a stick. It MEEPS.

Rah, what a cute little monster. We’ll be home rich before noon.

He starts singing again.

Money, money, money,
buy’s lot of..?

A mist rises.

There’s more of them.

More small mushrooms arrive, like a horde of cockroaches, they are attracted to the visitors like dogs are to food.

Hey! Cut it out! Leave us be!

Brotha! What do we do?

Just push them away, father said we can just…push…them…away. Damnit, get off me!

They are practically covered in them now. Trying to struggle free of the peaceful little happy mushrooms.

Brotha! What do I do?!

Just kill them if you can, they’re just… mushrooms…ugh! Slice with everything you got!

They have their daggers in their hands and are ready to start slicing them. once they realize there’s another, larger silhouette arriving walking out of the sea of mushrooms.

What… the… damned…?

The witch!

PAGE 3 : Just the Guardian

It is in the shape of a large caterpillar, that has tree branches growing out of it. It’s head is a body of a young naked girl, with it’s head hanging upside-down with bone-like wings, like eagles spreading from the temples as it’s crown.

it opens it’s mouth, not to speak but to show its master what is happening. The mouth opens larger and wider than should be possible, another tiny face, just eyes inside the dark appear to take a peak, then disappear again.

The guardian:
“Welcome friends, to the carnival.”
The guardian, inside the guardians mouth, smiles.

Welcome to
Run Freak Run chapter 7
The One With The Good Girl.

SCENE 2 : The Queen gives Two an assignment and a mentee
Setting: The Queen’s Throne Room.
Characters: The Queen, Two, Alonso, Nine, Captain of the guard, royal guardsmen and Queen’s handmaiden.

PAGE 4 : Two and Alonso have set in the room and are getting new orders from the Queen.

Two and Alonso enter the Queens Throne room. This time, Two looks more pissed than before. She slouched over, hands in her invisible pockets and she’s grimacing.

In front of them in the end of the hall is Queen sitting on her throne. Next to the Queen is her two loyal handmaidens, and also number Nine, who is now fourteen years old, an over excited teenager in her first day of school. Next to her are heavy bags, she’s carrying a heavy book and she’s ready to prove herself..

Around Queen are her guards, generic looking, but well dressed soldiers with halberdiers, in a similar fashion of the Swiss guard for the Pope. The Captain of Guards is standing closest to the queen as her most personal bodyguard. He’s dressed in ornate armor, but is scruffy and looks like he knows what he’s doing.

My favorite power-couple. Thank you for arriving with such short notice. Do forgive the company, but there’s rumors of a wild cat loose.

And I so hate cats.

My Queen, is there anything we can do?

No. You’ve done enough helping, just ask Cardinal Ambrosia.
No. Inquisitor Two, my dear will do something totally different instead.
She will do some teaching.

PAGE 5: Same setting but focusing on Queen, Alonso, Two and Nine.

My Queen, I must protest.

Fine. I allow it.

Nine is far too young and valuable to be mentored by Inquisitor Nine. She’s not developed her innate talents yet to survive this kind of a job, we ought to have learned something from the deaths of Inquisitors Five and Four.

And needless to say, Inquisitor Two isn’t exactly.
Teacher material.

Too bad.
Are you done, Inquisitor de Frias?
Good, you are.
You heard me, Inquisitor Two will mentor Nine in her patrols for the unholy invaders. I
expect utmost performance from the both of you.
Do you understand, Inquisitor De Frias?

Alonso, with an awkward shift
Yes, my queen.

While Alonso looks sympathetically at Two, Nine is squeezing her Malleus Maleficarum so hard it could pop and she’s beaming with excitement and naivety:

Inquisitor Two, ma’am?
I’d like you to know not to worry about me slowing you down. I wish to take this opportunity to inform you that I have studied all the Holy See approved books on demonology, witches and heretical dangers.
I have studied exclusively the theory of locating, uncovering and exorcising succubi and I posses the basic theory of a successful forceful confession.

You’ve kept busy.

I’m a great student, ma’am.

…Don’t call me that.

How lovely, my favorite girls in the world, sisters of faith, bonding. I might just burst from


SCENE 3 : Two and Nine ride, Nine’s nostalgia and they come across a forest.
Setting: Countryside, next to fields, close to a forest.
Characters: Two and Nine

PAGE 6: Nine is disappointed that they’re not killing witches, and Two shuts her up about it.

Three weeks later:

Two and Nine are riding again, next to fields in the countryside. They are getting nearer a forest.

Inquisitor Two, I don’t get it.

Two rides in front of her, keeping a slight distance between them.
Don’t call me that. We already went through it.

Sorry, Two.

Umm, excuse me Two if I’m ignorant, but this isn’t really what I signed up for.
Aren’t we suppose to find and punish witches?


To me it looks like we’re just letting them go and after another. According to my books, we are enabling the dark lord Lucifer to take over souls of the innocent and spread his influence against the Church.

They weren’t witches, Nine. Not even close. You can rest easy, Lucifer is not taking over
the world anytime soon.

But they were according to my books, and the teachings of the Holy See, and I happen
to know that the Queen approves of their teachings!

Nine, They weren’t witches according to me. End of discussion.

PAGE 7: Same setting but when Nine remembers things, she’s them with a naive-style mini-comic within the comic.

Nine, disappointed tries to awake her natural happiness and curiosity by changing the subject matter.

Ma’m, umm sorry again – Nine.


We met once, before I mean, in the Monastery when I was little.

You’re still little.

Umh, littler. I got in to trouble with a nun and she was punishing me. Remember? She told me I was bad, a bad thing and a bad girl and bad everything. Then you came, out of nowhere and stopped her hand…

And then you slapped her!

I still laugh when I think about it; I’d never seen anyone flip in their air from a punch. Still haven’t.

PAGE 8: Same setting but focusing on Queen, Alonso, Two and Nine.

Then what?

Don’t you remember?

I was very sleepy those days.

Nine, disappointed again.

Oh… Nothing, that was it really. That was it.

Good story kid. You should write it down.


But that wasn’t the end of the story and Nine continues to remember in her head how Two gives her a flower, a pat on the head and tells her she’s a good girl before disappearing again.

Two snaps her out of it.
Nine, we have company.

The two inquisitors get closer to the forest entrance. A man, old man, all scruffy and hunched sits in the center of the road blocking the entrance to the forest.

SCENE 4 : Two and Nine talk with old man and agree to enter the forest
Setting: Forest edge
Characters: Two, Nine and an Old man(self-claimed ranger, father of the Ares and Vetus)

PAGE 9: Two and Nine talk with the old man who warns them of the witch in the forest.

Two and Nine stop with their horses in front of him. There’s an awkward silence as the old man looks asleep.



The Old Man:


Nine, asking Two:
Stop what?

The Old Man:
Do not enter! A dangerous witch, more ancient than the land itself lives in this forest. Who ever enters, never returns!

A witch! A real witch this time. Malleus Maleficarum warns about satan and incubus being old. I wonder which one is it.

Nine asks the old man very seriously.

Does this demon-woman have breasts?

The Old Man:
I… do not know. I suppose they all do, aye?

Hmm. Difficult to say then, but it does narrow our choices. Still, it could be any manner of things…

Who are you old man?

The Old Man:
I am the forest ranger!

Then why are you outside the forest?

The Old Man, ashamed:
It is dangerous inside.

You’re not much of a forest ranger then.

The Old Man:
Listen to my story, and you will understand.

PAGE 10: A quest to go find the old man’s sons.

The Old Man:
My family has guarded this forest for generations and it used to be a peaceful aslong as the witch slept. But since it awoke and with her it’s minions, it has stolen two of my sons. I am about to step in the forest to rescue them myself, for I cannot bear to live without them.

You should not! It is dangerous there! You must not – I insist!

The Old Man:
Well… Maybe you could help an old man reunite with his sons, Inquisitors?

Nine looks at Two. Enthusiastically.
A quest!

Two sighs:
When did they disappear?

The Old Man:
A few days ago.

They are probably dead then.

There’s still hope, Two! Please, let us attempt to rescue them! Please let me try at least! It would be great experience!

Nine pleads at Two with her puppy eyes.

Fine. Let’s take a look. Old man, stay here. What ever you do, do not follow us.

Nine with her eyes wide, hugs her book like crazy.

They enter the forest.

The old man waves at the ominously and mumbles:
The Old Man: Good luck Inquisitors.

SCENE 5 : Two and Nine in the forest
2. 2-pages.
Setting: Forest edge
Characters: Two, Nine and an Old man(self-claimed ranger, father of the Ares and Vetus)

PAGE 11 : Two and Nine have entered the forest and see the mushroom-men


Two and Nine riding inside the forest. The mist is up already, no signs of mushroom men.

What is this?

A stream of Magic, a spell that protects the forest.

Is it dangerous?

No more than playing with fire, we’ll be fine.

Those are…
She shuffles through her book of monsters.

It’s here somewhere…


I knew that.
She didn’t.


They are riding against a river of mushrooms, but get through them without a problem.

They don’t seem to notice us.

We bear no ill intentions to the forest, they have no reason to take interest.



…What is that?

The guardian walks out of the mist.



I can’t find him from my book…

Nine is skimming through her monster-reference manual

Two ignores Nine and speaks to the guardian instead.

Guardian, we seek audience with the witch of this woods.

The guardians mouth opens, the eyes appear to take a peek again, and disappear again.


Thank you.

That was it? Are we not supposed to get rid of demons? That was clearly a demon.

No it wasn’t. Come on.

The guardian, and most of the mushrooms pass them.


Two and Nine can move freely upstream while a new wave of creatures appear. Flower-children, small humans with large bushes of flowers in their head. They wobble forward clumsily.

Look. I understand that we’re living during curious times and there is a certain amount of unfair, uneducated witch-burnings. But in this specific case you can’t possibly argue that your actions were not against the will of our Queen and her holy orders.

The passing flower children stop and reach out to give Two two flowers they pluck from their heads. Two reaches down to take it.

I can.

But that must’ve been a wicked demon! By protocol, we should turn around and kill it.

Two gives one of the flowers to Nine.

We’re all wicked in one way or another.

This is different. This is against the rules.

Today, I am the rules.

Nine takes the flower from Two.

…By protocol, I will have to report you.


Nine is suddenly startled by a giant leg stomping next to her.

Don’t look up.

Why? What’s there?

Nine looks up.

Giants don’t wear underwear.

Nine blushes. Face painted red.

We are closer to the Lady of the Woods.

Why do you even bother? You obviously won’t touch her, no matter what your job is.

It is our job to investigate first, judge second.

Nine, few steps behind Two narrows her eyes at her. Her disapproval should be super obvious.


Two and Nine have to squeeze through the narrowing Carnival. The creatures, ranging from walking mushrooms to flying bunny heads, giant legs, giant butterfly caterpillars, acorn-boys, fauns and centaurs – are like a tight obstacle course that Two and Nine have to crawl and guide their horses through.

It should be a magical moment where we can see the smallest funniest creatures of the forest to the weirdest ones, but at the same time have the same feeling of not knowing of what to expect as the first chapters cave section had. It is a carnival, so the creatures are in a sort of a trance, totally ignoring Two and Nine who stumble past them.

During the walk through the narrow carnival, Two and Nine discuss:

I bet you think you’re cool like that. Like you never have to care for orders, as if no one’s authority can waver you. Yeah, you’re too good for rulebooks for sure, after all – you’re the only female echo that hasn’t died in service.

And because you’re the only one, you think you don’t anyone’s help anymore. Well, you know what Two, I’m alive and I’m catching up, but unlike you – I have friends to help me. I have books of knowledge, I have scholars and professors and most importantly, I have the Queen.


I don’t think you’re cool at all, I just think you’re arrogant.

Two just looks at Nine. There’s a silence and a wind that blows tree-leaves from the ground. As the wind passes, Two turns around, deciding to ignore Nine.

Come. We’re out of the carnival.

Nine has no words to reply with.

Once they finally pass through the tightest spot to the eye of the storm, they have room to breathe again.



We see a clearing, the carnival splits around it as if it’s holy ground.

The Witch of the Woods is a beautiful flower in a clearing, empty of other creatures.

A fresh soil with broken tree branches surround it, as if they pushed down to make room for the flower.

And in the soil there are two faces – the faces of the two brothers from the beginning. They are asleep, under the witches spell, slowly being eaten.

What is that?

It is the witch of the woods, the spirit of this forest. The lady.

No, it’s a flower.

Flowers can be witches too.

It doesn’t say so in this book. Hey, where are you going? Wait up?

Are these the sons of the forest keeper? We should dig them out.

Two thinks for a while in quiet and with a hint of self-doubt unlike her usual manner, she says:
No, they were bad people. Let’s go.

What do you mean no? Who’s now quick to judge? We just came here and it’s our
sacred duty to help them.!

They must have wronged the forest. They are fully responsible of their own deaths.
Come, let’s leave. We’re not involved here.


No! We have to help them! No matter how bad, humans are always more important than flowers.

Nine starts digging them out with her hands, she’s slow.

Nine, you will follow my orders and leave them alone. We don’t want to anger this flower.

I know how to break rules too, Inquisitor Two. I can take this flower any day.

Two sighs. She walks away leaving Nine to dig.

As a loyal servant to our Queen, Isabella the Fair, I will rescue you, brave souls.
Don’t you worry a thing. She will hear of your bravery and reward you with honors. Soon, you will be white knights in the holy army, pushing away the falling darkness.

Two walks near a branch, she finds a log, heavy and tall. She drags it with her behind Nine who is still digging.

Came back, didn’t you? I knew you… I knew you were still decent. No matter what they say, I knew I can save you. Help me dig, sister. :´)

Two lifts the log, and hits Nine in to the back of her head. She falls unconscious on the soil.

Two looks at the flower.

She will be alright.
She’s tougher than she looks.
Thank you for forgiving her.


Two hears sounds behind her:

The Old Man:
“You little Inquisitor bitch!”

Two wonders who the hell that was. She looks behind her and sees the Forest Keeper, the old man, father to the men in the soil. He has his sword drawn out.

The old man:
Ya’ didn’t even lift yer finger to help them,I will kill you a thousand times!

You don’t want to do that, ranger.
Accept your loss, and just walk away. The forest is in a forgiving mood. You might even make it.

The old man:

The old man rushes toward Two who doesn’t even move, he’s ready to strike his sword at Two, until – suddenly, a root appears from the soil like tentacle, grabs hold of him and pulls him deep into the ground. Only his twitching hand is left over ground.

Two looks at the flower.

Try not to make a habit of this, okay?

We see Two leaving with Nine on her shoulder like a sack, walking back to their horses. There are two faces sleeping in the soil, the sons and now their father’s hand as well.


A whole page illustration, where we see that the flower is only a small part of the actual witch, who lies beneath the ground like a giant monster. It’s roots like hair extend to the surface and one of them is the flower.



Two and Nine are riding again. They’re riding on the same horse and pulling the other one with them. Nine is riding in Two’s arms. She wakes up.

What happened…? My head hurts. I can’t remember.

You fell.

Falling shouldn’t hurt this much?

It was a long fall.

Two, what was number Fourteen like?

Why bring that up?

He was my brother too.


He was a baby, not much to it.

Then why all the fuss? Even I heard about it.

There hasn’t been a single male echo since One. That must mean something, to someone.

You don’t know more?

No, I know nothing.

Nine, accepting defeat:
Well… Where are we heading next? More witches this time? I hope there’s real witches this time.

No, Nine. We’re done, we’re going back to Madrid.

Madrid? Why? Did I do badly? I can do better, I promise. Just give me a chance!

It means you survived and you will work alone on your own now from now on. Congratulations Nine.




Nine is back in the Queen chamber.

Queen: Welcome back dear, dear Inquisitor Nine, you cannot fathom how I waited for your return. I believe you had no trouble over this mission.

Thank you, my Queen. There was no trouble.


My Queen?

Don’t play daft, dear girl and spill it out!

My Queen…

Just answer me.

…The rumors were true, my Queen.

Queen, with a smile of success:
Go on.

…Two proved… Inquisitor Two proved to be rebellious, illogical and a supporter of heretical thinking. She did not approve the teachings of Malleus Maleficarum or your orders.

I see. Well done, Inquisitor Nine
I believe you understand what this will mean?


Yes, my Queen. I… I understand.

Good. You will wait for further instruction, do not act on it alone. Do you understand?

Yes, my Queen. I understand.

Good. Good.

Nine looks miserably sad, as if she’d betrayed Two somehow.

Oh, come over here my dear child, this must’ve been extremely burdening on you, I cannot imagine anything harder than spying on your elder sister. Oh Come here.

Nine goes to the Queen. Head bowed. The Queen grabs her into her arms, into a hug.

It’s alright, it’s alright Nine.

Nine, teary eyed, starts crying full blown.

Who’s a good girl? Who’s my little good girl? My perfect god-gifted wonderfully good girl?

Nine crying and broken down, her eyes waterfalls, snot out of her nose crying, not mumbling but cry-shouting:

I’m a good girl.


end of chapter 7


Let’s us know how you liked it over twitter, facebook or email, for we’re always happy to hear from you! :)


Drawing the rooftops of RFR

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One of our favorite things in life is experimenting with art.

Be it with written words, drawing, storytelling or even photography – we love to mess around. It’s what keeps everything fresh, interesting and fun.

It’s easy to get stuck with your creative influences; photographers look at other photographs, illustrators at other illustrators and bla bla, you get the idea. Everyone tends to look for easy influences, because it’s safe and convenient and you can’t really go wrong. But you can’t really grow out of the box then either.

The whole Run Freak Run experience has been one big playground for me. Besides writing and lettering, I get to battle website code and graphic design. Extremely frustrating at times, but super educational and it has improved my professional concept art work in ways I wouldn’t have imagined.

For a while, we’ve been trying my dearest with photography in the mix and just to make things more complicated, we decided to mix in video as well!

We’ve made one mood video of Kaija drawing a future RFR-page from the upcoming chapter (starting tomorrow!) and we mixed in music from Indie Folker. Check it out, it’s just under this text!

It’s quite a lot of production work, so we don’t know where we go with this video thing yet, but we’re going to keep experimenting with music mood videos to behind-the-scenes office tours to what ever we happen to fancy.

So bear with us, stay interested and thanks for taking part of this journey! :)


And now check out the video and leave us comments!



The video was recorded with our new Panasonic Lumix GH3, and we love it.


Here’s Kaija recording material for a film she’s working on now.


FACESMUSH!!! The secret ingredient behind Run Freak Run is kisses.

Have a great Sunday!

Tweet-tweet me @runfreakrun

First you suck, and then you’re kind of bad at it.

4 Comments on First you suck, and then you’re kind of bad at it.

I just want to throw this out there. Ira Glass is a wonderful storyteller, and beyond that, he has a great understanding what goes on in the creative mind.

Not only in the content producing way, but about the inner struggle one can go through in effort to become better at their craft or interest. I suggest you find all the interviews with him on youtube and learn and get inspired.

I think that the toughest thing in starting our personal projects is the fear that it’s going to be crap. That we’re going to spend hours on something that will only embarrass and shame us. That fear makes us feel like we have no right to even try and we’d be better off spending that time procrastinating, watching re-runs of House. The fear and pain is then multiplied by the utter lack of knowledge how long would it even take to become reasonably decent. If only there was a program that would track my progress and tell me when I’ve leveled up or how many more hours I have to go until the next epiphany.

But there isn’t.

Some say it takes ten thousand hours to master a skill, about seven to five years and I agree more or less. But what’s important is that it takes a lot less time to be bad at something.

Being bad at something, only requires that you start it.

And once you’re bad at something, you can pinpoint those faults and attack them one by one, and get kind of bad at it. Until one day you’ll be okay or maybe even, dare I say, decent?

Starting to blog was really tough for me.

It’s not just writing something down. It’s writing something down that should be interesting and about my life and thoughts, and even worse, I have to share it with everyone. It’s a lot of pressure. Trust me, there were all kinds of feelings from fear to dread involved, and there still is, but if I hadn’t forced myself to do it, I would had never gotten better at it. I wouldn’t have written something that I feel particularly proud of, like this little piece.

And even more, If I wasn’t sharing my likes, dislikes and thoughts, then I wouldn’t have had the chance to talk to some of our readers about them; there’s really nothing better than that feeling of a connection, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I’m still not where I’d like to be with blogging and I’m constantly struggling in justifying the act. And to make things harder, we’ve been thinking of starting Vlogging, and that’s going to be another challenge that I have to start afresh. But I have a feeling, that after a few years, I’ll be kind of good at it too. And if not, at least I can say that I tried.

So, on that note. Let’s all suck together, until we’re awesome.



Give me a Twittericious shout out @runfreakrun and check out RFR ebook!

New additions to our shop and inking videos

3 Comments on New additions to our shop and inking videos

Once again I was surprised to find non edited inking videos, abandoned in a forgotten folder. I’m getting the feeling that I need to revise my system. And by that I mean that there’s way too many things I need to remember and it’s obvious that I never will. I should make a list that I can check off every week. I already have one for weekends, and it definitely keeps me moving seamlessly forward from one finished task to another.

Yes, that should do it.

And if you think this list making is starting to sound obsessive compulsive, don’t worry. Most probably in about five months time I’ll be looking into those same video folders, as perplexed at myself as I have been every time so far :D



We also framed and added the page to our Etsy-store. Take a look at the awesome photos Silver took of it:






This could be yours :)



Other shop additions include the illustration made to commemorate our 100 facebook likes-milestone:





Click and buy! :)



And last but not least, we printed out posters of the Mermen-illustration. You can find them too in our shop:



The frame’s not included in the shop to keep the price lower, but you can always contact us for special requests!





Follow me on twitter @KaijaRudkiewicz ! :)