RFR page sketches

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Preaparation is the key small

In the beginning of RFR’s production Silver bought me a Moleskine storyboarding notebook which I started using right away to sketch out the first couple of chapters. Over time, as we had more and more of the story written out, I kept adding new chapters to it.

It’s full of scribbles, each uglier than the previous, only readable to me, even if just barely. Still, this notebook marks the first, and possibly most important stage in drawing a comic book: thumbnailing the story.

Thumbnailing is not about pretty pictures; it’s your roadmap and your comic’s visual plotline. It’s crucial to be prepared and ready, knowing your overall goals and each page’s content before you zoom in on the individual panels. It’s all about story pacing, and page composition and flow, already marking places for drama and suspense. This is where I decide between a silent, one panel page, and a ten panel, action packed sequence, or how to best compose the blacks and whites and lights and shadows that the comic is basically made out of.

You will add the character acting and nuances when you get to drawing the actual panels, but for storyboarding you’ll have to think more like a storyteller than a portrait painter. The key is to always understand how each page works with multiple pages forward and back. If you have this, 80% of your decision making is basically done.

Optimally, you’d have all your story written out by the time you start thumbnailing. This is one thing we learned from RFR: have a script or at least a plotline ready before you start drawing anything. Having to make changes in writing is much easier than having to decide to throw ten inked pages out the window because the story needs to go a different way after all.

All that said, I wanted to give you a little peak into this scribbled mess I’ve been calling “RFR thumbnails”:


How to paint – A misty environment

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For some time now we’ve been wanting to get back into making youtube process-videos, but since we were always pinned down by RFR and DotWQ release deadlines we pushed it off in order to keep our sanity. Now that we’re still in the early pre-production of two of our next projects we have some time to experiment, and I recorded the process of a quick painting to see what are the technical challenges we’d have to overcome.

It all seems pretty straight forward; just get FRAPS, press record, and edit. It’s pretty heavy on our old hard-drives but it’s manageable, and we still haven’t tried voice-over which is absolutely essential for any real educational videos.

We’ll keep on experimenting, uploading the videos, and posting them here as we go. I will probably continue doing tutorials on environments, composition, and light and shadow, while Kaija will most likely cover the character related things, like anatomy, fabrics, portraits, photographic compositions, light, and so on. To be honest, we don’t know what we’ll achieve with this, but it should nevertheless be a fun experiment. :)

And we hope you will enjoy it.


tweet tweet me @runfreakrun

Unreal RFR posters

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Two around the world.

Color us surprised, when we saw posters of Two in the new Showtime TV-show, UnReal. We gave the permission to use RFR posters on the set about a year or so ago, and since productions like these take months to complete and surface – we kind of forgot all about it. But thanks to a helping hand on Twitter  we got to experience a surreal and fun moment that filled us with pride and joy. You can check out the trailer for the TV-show HERE. :)

These posters are very nostalgic for us because they were one of the first promotional materials that we did for RFR. That was about three years ago and it’s just such a strange feeling to see them pop up again. But in a good way. The whole event also reminded us that we have Run Freak Run-posters in our online stores, should you want them hanging on your walls too!

In our Society6-store, you can find the “Red nun” and “Black eyes” posters framed or unframed and even as clothing apparel. Check them all out HERE!



I want this!


rfr2No, I want this!

We also have a small amount of these huge “Many faces of Two”-posters. You can get them on our ETSY-store, next to a small selection of RFR-originals (Just ping us an email if you want to know the availability of a certain page you’d be interested in but can’t find on the store.)


This, this, this! (Out of print, sorry!)

On that note, we hope you have a wonderful Sunday, and hope you are enjoying the latest RFR pages.


Silver and Kaija

DotWQ part 2 released!

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“She’s the kind of pain in your ass that you can’t walk off.”
– Vision



We’re happy to announce that Daughters of the Witch Queen part 2 is now released.
We’d like to thank our proofreader Laura, our advance copy readers, and everyone who has hit us with encouraging email during the past months – it’s been great to improve these books with you. :)

This time the book is almost twice as long as part 1, touches more on the subject of magic, and definitely opens more questions than it closes.

Start reading!

DotWQ is only on Amazon Kindle at the moment. But fear not if you don’t have a Kindle device: for you can get a Kindle-app to any smartphone, or tablet, and you can read any amazon purchased kindle-books in your internet-browser over at Kindle Cloud Reader.

New to the series? Get DotWQ part 1 first. :)

Concept art!
This time we have an info-graph on the Tree of Powers, the different branches of magic in DotWQ. And an illustration of a mermaid. See if you can find out what magic Rain uses.



Start reading Daughters of the Witch Queen part 2!

New to the series? Get DotWQ part 1!


We hope you enjoyed the preview, the pictures, and look forward to hearing any feedback from you.


Silver and Kaija

Twitter: @runfreakrun || Like us on Facebook, make us feel fuzzy.

Art give-away finished – looking for next ideas!

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Just before last December we announced a Run Freak Run winter art give-away, where we randomly picked out a winner of one of our favorite RFR pieces to date. The only thing you had to do to be included in the lottery was to be signed up for our newsletter.

Today we’re happy to announce that Two and Priscilla are making their way to Jared in Massachusetts, and based on talking to Jared we’re more than confident they’ll get a great home from him. :)

Now we’re on a lookout for new ideas for giveaways, or competitions. If you guys have anything in mind, please let us know and we’ll steal it, and take all the credit.


We’ll miss you guys. – Click to open in full size.



We’ve also been doing some new RFR inking recording, but due to some technical problems we lost our last recording. But we’ll keep trying and no doubt succeed with the next page, and like always, send it to our newsletter first and then get it on the blog too.


Sometimes the record sizes grow out of whack and our software crashes. Might be time to look in to new codecs.

But the inked page itself is safe from any harm; you’ll see it in its full glory eventually in the comic, but here’s a couple of sneak peeks of the work in progress. :)


Sketch vs. inked page. Everything is drawn at least thrice.


“Har har har STOMP!”


On Daughters of the Witch Queen side we’re working on the first editing passes for part 2, and we’ve just began the second pass on part 3. The novelettes are growing larger and larger with each part because there’s more story to unravel, new characters to meet, and information to reveal. We also have a full magic system to make sense of.

We’re consciously trying to limit ourselves to the 40-60 pages/part so we can keep releasing them with a reasonable speed, while also leaving some time aside for illustrations, since that’s something we love doing too.

We’re not quite ready to announce part 2 release date yet, but -soon-.

Oh, and we’ve also started to work on DotWQ website – We’re aiming to blow your minds with it.




Hit me up at twitter @runfreakrun or send us an email anytime, it’s extremely fun to talk you guys. :)




Creature concept and one day free Amazon promotion

7 Comments on Creature concept and one day free Amazon promotion

First of all, let me start by letting you know that today Amazon has a one day free promotion for Daughters of the Witch Queen. Go get it while it’s still possible!

You can read the story on either your Kindle-device, or on Amazon’s browser-reader at http://read.amazon.com/, or on any Apple or Android device that has the Kindle-app installed.

As you may have noticed, we love telling stories through pictures. And, as you may have noticed also, even though the next project we’re working on (Daughters of the Witch Queen) is a novel, we’ve been creating concepts and illustrations for the story as much as time allows. But it’s not just all about the pictures: we’re taking on a mindset of sprinkling information in with them, and widening the world beyond the story we’re creating.

And for anyone who’s not interested in the story itself, these pictures can act like puzzle pieces to the world; a little random at first, but soon you’ll be able to piece together the big picture.

_White Lie_SMALL




Some unplanned sketching

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On Friday Silver found an app for drawing on your iPad, and I’ve taken to it for some reason. For two days straight, instead of absent mindedly picking up the iPad and playing a round of Alto or Two Dots, I’ve gone to draw a new sketch. The app is called “Forge” and it’s been really fun to play around with, so I thought I’d share the love:



If you happen to pick up Forge, I’d love to see what you’ve created with it :) And if you’re interested, I’ll be posting these sketches regularly on instagram and twitter.






DotWQ Wallpapers

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To celebrate the upcoming release of part 1, we felt inspired to create a couple of Daughters of the Witch Queen wallpapers, one of which we’ve already released to our newsletter-list.

In the future, we want to talk more about the Magic-system behind DotWQ, and will be doing blog-posts and infographics to help that. It’s very fun and inspiring to work together with text and images and we’re excited to start sharing more with you guys. It’s a long road, but the next year and more should be very full of our best concept art work; of not only of the magic-system, but of different characters, of both the humans and witches, of the world, of it’s creatures, and important scenes from the story. We don’t want those pictures to be just random images either, so we’re trying to pool them together in ways that you could enjoy the story, even without reading the books. We’ll go deeper in to our plans in future blog-posts, as we have more things planned out.

Nevertheless, we hope you enjoy the wallpapers we have now :)

tldr: We’ll try our best use our skills as concept artists to bring this project to life, but that’s a subject for another time. Enjoy the wallpapers!


Click to open!


Click to open!


Sneak peek in the newsletter!

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Last Sunday we delivered a promise.

We delivered a promise to give our email subscribers a sneak peek to our next project, and the response we’ve gotten was overwhelmingly positive and exciting. It’s something we’ve been painstakingly working on the little hours when we’re not doing Run Freak Run, and it’s been a tremendously proud experience to see it come together.

I mean, just check it out yourself :)


How can we not feel excited after that? :)

It was such an encouraging experience that this Sunday we’re going to do it again, and this time we’re going release more teasers and content to our newsletter subscribers. This time, we’re also going to ask for a limited amount of advance readers to help us bring this project to life.

So, if you haven’t yet subscribed – don’t worry! This Saturday we’re going to re-send the first sneak peek to every one who joined the list after the first sneak peek, and the next day you’ll get the second sneak peek with everyone else!

We’re so adamant on getting you signed up because we never want to lose you as a reader, and we want to have the tools to reach you with all our current and future projects. And trust me, you don’t want to miss them. :)

And just so you know we’re serious, check this out:

Image-1 (1)


Sign up to our newsletter, and we’ll rock your world!



Looking forward to hearing what you thought of it! @runfreakrun

Inquisitor Six wallpaper

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To celebrate the end of this chapter, and the soon beginning last chapter of Run Freak Run – we made a wallpaper out of today’s comic page. We hope you enjoy it :)

Click to open up!



It looks like our chapters have just become longer and longer (besides 3 & 4 that were side-stories). I wonder how long the last one will be, for there’s still a few things to cover.