Ryse environment concept art

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Here’s my batch of Ryse concept art. For over two years I worked on the Xbox one game as an environment concept artist; drawing location concepts, mood paintings and asset blueprints to support the production team.

I’m extremely proud of the world we created together, and especially happy how well the concepts were taken to finish in the end product. The game looks seriously fabulous. So big thank yous to all my colleagues, you know who you are! :)


Also! If you haven’t already, check out Kaija’s awesome character concepts for Ryse!


ryse-dover1 ryse-dover2 ryse-glott1 ryse-glott2 ryse-glott3 ryse-oswald1 ryse-oswald2 ryse-oswald3 ryse-rome1 ryse-rome2 ryse-rome3




CHIRP CHIRP in store! – SOLD

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SOLD - Tune in for more in the near future!

SOLD – Tune in for more in the near future!

We’re more than proud to finally put this baby in to the Run Freak Run online store! One-of-a-kind ink sketch of Two and her friend, framed, artist signed and ready to go! Kaija drew and inked it quite some time ago, but we were holding it back until we found the perfect solid wood frame for it!

Take heed – there really is only one of these available – so if you snooze – you lose! Get it here!


As it turns out, this one sold out pretty fast – but also encourages us to create more of these!


RFR Original Art addition and sale!

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We’re excited to let you know, that we’ve added artwork to our store and also lowered the prices of the older pages for to celebrate the beginning of our favourite autumn season! We’re working hard on adding new t-shirts and hoodies and we’ll update you on that in the coming weeks.

Now, join me in glamour and take a look into our original’s store yourself! :)






On Keeping A Notebook

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The more notebooks you have, the better you are. #wisdom

The more notebooks you have, the better you are. #wisdom

If you happen to be writing anything, then you’re probably keeping a notebook. Something you mark your ideas, dreams, songs and thoughts in to, and as you keep writing, you will probably end up having more notebooks that you ever imagined needing. And soon, as you keep filling the pages, book after book, you’ll forget what you filled them with in the first place. Good part is that when you open them up again, you’ll be transported to the exact moment when you wrote in the first place, but only this time, you get to experience it not as a creator, but as audience, and you can enjoy it objectively. Of course, unless you’re actually good – most of the time you’ll just be wondering: “what the hell was I thinking?”

Such is the routine of keeping a notebook.

And starting one was the best decision I ever made.

I agree, it has been frustrating at times. Most artists and creators that I know are humble people with extremely low confidence when it comes to their art. It’s funny; these are one of the strong and most achieved people in the world that can usually withstand any wave of struggle that life throws at them. They can solve any problem mindfully and intelligenty in times of agony and extreme annoyance. But when they’re making art, they’re as weepy and nervous as little babies on crack; on edge from the slightest critical feedback, as if the whole world has turned against them and hates them now.

Art has a tendency to pull out the worst of our egos, and I’m no different. I believe one is truly a master of her craft when they don’t feel the urge to prove or explain themselves to anyone. When they’ve stopped caring about the world and the approval of the audience, and only focus on their own enjoyment. People like that make revolutions happen.

Now let’s talk about the actual topic. I won’t make the claim that I truly understand my relationship to writing and keeping notes yet, but I felt like I wanted to share some of the aspects of my routine that I’ve learned in the past 1.5 years. I’m sure, that as I write more I’ll discover things I never imagined, but I hope that these little observations and tips prove useful to you, my dear reader.

1. Write constantly.

Write with different colors to mark the days work. It'll be easier for you to continue the next. I totally stole this tip from Neil Gaiman.

Write with different colors to mark the days work. It’ll be easier for you to continue the next. I totally stole this tip from Neil Gaiman.

I try to write 2 hours a day after work during week days and over weekends I try to write 5 hours a day. Together that makes 20 hours a week. If it takes about ten thousand hours to master a craft, I still have about 3000 days or about ten years to ago. It sounds daunting. It’s going to take a long, long time, but at least I’m trying. Getting there eventually is what matters.

2. Write with drawings.

I can't keep my thoughts together unless I draw them.

I can’t keep my thoughts together unless I draw them.

Sometimes I get new, better ideas when I do this basic storyboarding.

Sometimes I get new, better ideas when I do this basic storyboarding.

It also helps me to pitch ideas to Kaija, to show something we can easily extrapolate into images.

It also helps me to pitch ideas to Kaija, to show something we can easily extrapolate into images.

I’m a very visual person, I draw for a living and I think to best of my abilities when I’m drawing. Hence I draw a lot when I write. I just can’t keep it all together if I have an easy way to see and judge all the story beats and their relationship together. I applaud the people who have this innate talent to discover write their whole stories, but this method has proven to work the best for me.

I’m considering to make storyboards on postcards and putting them on the ground in the future, I’ve heard it to be a fun way to plot.

3. Sketch your references.

If you can't draw, then you can always just glue reference pictures to your notebook. Make it all hipster and shit.

If you can’t draw, then you can always just glue reference pictures to your notebook. Make it all hipster and shit.

I need to be able to visualize my characters before I can write about them, otherwise they exist as a blurry mess without any focus or purpose and I’ll just waste time trying to catch something that ultimately cannot be catched. Locking their essentials down will make the rest of their features and thoughts come easier. It’s also called concept designing.

4. Talk to your notebook.

Did you know, that writers are twice as likely to commit suicide? Figures.

Did you know, that writers are twice as likely to commit suicide? Figures.

When frustrated, when you notice something silly or when you’re lost with your thoughts – let your notebook know it! Write it down, for it’ll make you stop and rethink your purpose and objective. The same applies when you do something good. Let yourself know about it and congratulate yourself. This writing thing is not supposed to be so serious that you can’t be happy once in a while.

This brings us to one of the most important points:

5. Let your mind go free and make yourself smile.

Historically accurate Dino-dick cheers up anyone.

Historically accurate Dino-dick cheers up anyone.

We all have our demons that we need to free sometimes. Mine have genitals.

We all have our demons that we need to free sometimes. Mine have genitals.

There’s not a safer place in the world than your notebook. Let yourself go free and draw what ever demons you need to make yourself smile again. All this struggle to improve will take the fun and pleasure out of creating, so go nuts, go silly – and draw dicks every now and then to reset your mind.

Everyone has their unique demons; mine happen to be very provocative and confusing. If yours take the shape of a pony or a flower, then that’s cool too.

6. Write more!

Once upon a time, there was a boy who wrote. And he kept writing, rewriting and then writing again. And he was happy.

Once upon a time, there was a boy who wrote. And he kept writing, rewriting and then writing again.
And he was happy.

It doesn’t matter what pen, notebook or word program you have. What matters, is that you write or draw or create and one day, be the artist you want to be. We all struggle in our lives trying to fulfill our ambitions and passions, balancing work, family and hobbies. It is a hard journey to travel, but it could just be worth it.

Ask yourself, what do you want to be good at in the next five years and what can you do about it? And then do it.




Revisions! Revisions!

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One of the hardest part in self-publishing a comic online is the lack of an editor. You have to depend on your own eyes and experience to make the right calls and there’s always a chance you miss out errors, no matter how much you look for them. There’s nothing easier than to become blind to your own shortcomings.

But the good thing is, you can always improve and change things!

For a while we’d been annoyed how inconsistent the earlier pages looked compared to our recent ones; the lettering was off, the narration was in a different style and we wanted to change that, after all – the first pages are our first and only chance to make a lasting impression with our readers – we want you guys to be impressed, to read forward and to stick around. (And never leave!)

So, it was time to revisit the first chapters! The narration text has been changed from Chapters 1 to 3 to match the style from there forward. More narration has been added to some pages, and the existing ones were refined. It wasn’t only the style of the text but the graphic design of it as well.

Here’s an example of the changes from the early pages:


I love graphic design. It’s been one of the most important skills I’ve learned in the past year. One should never underestimate how much presentation matters.

If you’re a new reader who just joined us last Sunday, then this isn’t news for you – but if you’re an older reader who’d love to revisit the pages yourself and find some new gems, then we hope you enjoy the ride!

Overall 19 pages were revisited, here are some examples!


