Some unplanned sketching

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On Friday Silver found an app for drawing on your iPad, and I’ve taken to it for some reason. For two days straight, instead of absent mindedly picking up the iPad and playing a round of Alto or Two Dots, I’ve gone to draw a new sketch. The app is called “Forge” and it’s been really fun to play around with, so I thought I’d share the love:



If you happen to pick up Forge, I’d love to see what you’ve created with it :) And if you’re interested, I’ll be posting these sketches regularly on instagram and twitter.




6am, new apartment, and inking of course

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When you have too many things hanging by a thread all around you, Instagram will do in place of writing :)

I know I’m beating a dead horse, but I reiterate: moving’s a bitch

But at least we have a new pal bunking outside our window:

The spidey turned Silver into a superhero!

And our new routine is to get up at 6 in the morning and get our personal work out of the way before work:

One of the best finds for a while: “Comic epitaphs from the best old graveyards”. Some unexpected timing for humor :D

And a lot of inking:
