Sneak peek in the newsletter!

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Last Sunday we delivered a promise.

We delivered a promise to give our email subscribers a sneak peek to our next project, and the response we’ve gotten was overwhelmingly positive and exciting. It’s something we’ve been painstakingly working on the little hours when we’re not doing Run Freak Run, and it’s been a tremendously proud experience to see it come together.

I mean, just check it out yourself :)


How can we not feel excited after that? :)

It was such an encouraging experience that this Sunday we’re going to do it again, and this time we’re going release more teasers and content to our newsletter subscribers. This time, we’re also going to ask for a limited amount of advance readers to help us bring this project to life.

So, if you haven’t yet subscribed – don’t worry! This Saturday we’re going to re-send the first sneak peek to every one who joined the list after the first sneak peek, and the next day you’ll get the second sneak peek with everyone else!

We’re so adamant on getting you signed up because we never want to lose you as a reader, and we want to have the tools to reach you with all our current and future projects. And trust me, you don’t want to miss them. :)

And just so you know we’re serious, check this out:

Image-1 (1)


Sign up to our newsletter, and we’ll rock your world!



Looking forward to hearing what you thought of it! @runfreakrun

Inquisitor Six wallpaper

5 Comments on Inquisitor Six wallpaper

To celebrate the end of this chapter, and the soon beginning last chapter of Run Freak Run – we made a wallpaper out of today’s comic page. We hope you enjoy it :)

Click to open up!



It looks like our chapters have just become longer and longer (besides 3 & 4 that were side-stories). I wonder how long the last one will be, for there’s still a few things to cover.

On writing tools Part 2

6 Comments on On writing tools Part 2

Almost two years ago (jesus time flies.) I wrote a blog post about some of my favorite writing tools. Since I’ve learned a lot during this time, and come across even more useful resources, I thought I’d take a second to post three of my favorite ones that I like to share to all my independent/self-publishing friends.

I know there’s at least a few storytelling enthusiasts following this blog, and I hope these will prove as useful to you as they did to me. And even if you aren’t a writer, an artist or any kind of a storyteller, you can still benefit from knowing the basics, and hey – in the best case scenario it’ll enable you to take that step towards being one.

This blog post will cover my favorite book on writing, my favorite podcast/blog and my favorite youtube-video from the last few years. These are the resources I think everyone should have access to.

And lastly, I think the most important message in all these resources is that storytelling is not just magic, but a craft that involves a hefty amount of theory and skill. And if you put enough hours into it, you too can make a story that’s at least okay – which is just one step away from a good one.

So let’s start!


1. The Book: Save the Cat by Blake Snyder

save the cat last book on screenwriting

This is the book I wish I had five years ago. It’s about things we see all the time in television, but can’t really put into words because we take them for granted.

Basically, it will teach its readers how the Three Act-format works, the basic story troupes in Hollywood, and how formulaic it can be. Now when I say formulaic, I don’t mean it in a bad sense: this book teaches how to break down your story into points that will take the story forward, bring it to a satisfying end, and make sense of it all at the same time.

It’s not a book about your creative voice and individuality, but about being efficient. Hence, why I wish I’d had it five years ago, I don’t even want to tell you how much time and effort I’ve wasted because I had no idea what to do next. The time I’ve spent wallowing in waves of frustration and anger, because I was guessing the next step. Well, at least now, because of this book I’ve learned a set of tools that allow me to proceed to the next step, and have basic guidelines on what I should be aiming at. Now, what you do with those guidelines, that’s where your creativity should come to work.

Nevertheless, get this book, pronto.


2. The Podcast/Blog: The Creative Penn with Joanna Penn


Joanna Penn is an inspiration among self-published writers. She writers thrillers, self-help books, hosts a podcast/vlog on writing, teaches workshops and shares a lot of it free. The amount of work she manages to put in to get closer to her dreams is incredible, and I can’t but admire her tenacity.

But more than anything, she’s a business woman.

Now, I’ve been brought up in the world of artists; everything we do is for the sake of the fun and self-expression, and when ever we hear business talk we zone out so fast it’s like hypnosis. It’s scary really. It’s the same in the video games industry, as it is in the web comics worlds, as it is in any artist community, and it’s not helping anyone.

Hence my delight, when I noticed how much Joanna Penn is focusing on marketing and business plans alongside the creativity and craftsmanship. I’ve personally learned tons from her massive (over 200) library of podcast interviews, where she talks to select successful authors and really hammers down what strategies they used in their whole operation.

I recommend you check out The Creative Penn, listen to her podcasts, and download her free book on being an author with a healthy attitude to business.


3. Youtube-video: Mr Plinkett reviews Star Wars episode 1

So this video is kind of like a summary of the two previous resources. He breaks down the movie step by step, and educates us what went wrong. While the video has a peculiar kind of sarcastic humor (hilarious), it’s also extremely helpful and I recommend to anyone who is even remotely interested in storytelling, or just throwing poo at the Star Wars prequels.

Whichever you fancy, check it out!



I’d appreciate if you let me know your favorite writing and storytelling resources, because I’m always looking for new things to study.

And while you’re at it, remember to sign up for our newsletter because I want your souls.


Silver Saaremaeel

Twitter me @runfreakrun or comment below!


Run Freak Run art sale AKRASIA

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New art, hooray!

Jelou all! We’re happy to announce that we’ve added five new pages to our online store. These are inked with blood, sweat and sumi-e inks on A3 smooth bristol papers. Only one of each exist in the world, and they all come signed by the artist, Kaija.

We’re also happy to announce that we’re offering a 10% off with the coupon code AKRASIA on all art sales, because we’re not just artists here, but also capitalists.


Speaking of ALSO! Make sure you sign up for e-mail newsletter, because we’re just about ready to start about our next project with some teasers, and we’ll reveal things first to everyone on our mailing list. Besides, you might win some free art in the process.

See you on Mondays!


Four Disney artists painting

3 Comments on Four Disney artists painting

If you’re one of those who has played Banner Saga, then you’ve no doubt noticed the beautiful background artwork in there. Who were they inspired by? Eyvind Earle and the classic Disney movies. While totally different mood and subject matter, the influence is clear and well executed.

As big fans of them, we just had to post this. You can see Eyvind Earle work his magic with his fellow Disney artists on few of the Sleeping Beauty background paintings, and do a personal take on a simple outdoors tree-portrait. Simply fascinating.

