Run Freak Run interview, games and concept paintings!

by Silver on Thursday, April 4th, 2013

Posted in: Art, Games, yay
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Run Freak Run got interviewed by one of our readers, Chuck, and we had a blast with him! He was amazingly patient with us as we took our sweet time answering his questions over e-mail. Thank you again Chuck, it’s very appreciated! The interview coveres some subjects from our reasons to do Run Freak Run, to creativity and to our views on the future of print comics. Check it out from here!

I’m an avid gamer and like most of the gaming population, I’m playing Bioshock Infinite right now. It’s a beautiful game with stunning art direction, rich characters and ambient storytelling. It’s set in this flying city full of bigots  racists and inventors, and the main character kind of has to rescue a princess from a tower. The first five minutes of it had more storytelling than most games I’ve seen of late, and enjoyed it immensely in the beginning but then quickly got tired of it. Not of the characters, not of the world, but of the first-person shooting mechanism. Honestly, I’m just tired of having to resolve a conflict with a gun every five minutes.

Besides my gripe with the fundamental game mechanic, the game is beautifully executed and an instant classic. It’s going to be the next benchmark for story heavy characters and that’s great for the industry. It’s just too bad that I don’t have the motivation to finish it, if Bioshock Infinite was an RPG, I would never let it go

Speaking of games I do like to finish, Supergiant games the studio behind Bastion – a masterpiece, with the best narrative in a game – is working on their next baby: Transistor. Here’s a fifteen minute gameplay peek that looks brilliant. The game’s not out yet, probably won’t be for a while but I couldn’t be more excited about this one, it’s got class.


It was a good week of video game trailers. I stumbled upon a game called Secret Ponchos. It looks fun and cool and it has cowboys. I don’t know much about it yet, nor of the team behind it, but I’m intrigued.


Being a concept artist, I’m always excited when games studios use concept art with multiple purposes. Check out the trailer for Hardware: Shipbreakers, from the makers of Homeworld for some interesting use of moving concept art.


When I’m not writing, I’m painting. Here are some composition practices I’ve been doing as of late. Most of my personal work concentrates on either epic sci-fi or epic fantasy; I think it’s because even when kept vague you can suggest a lot of narrative in that genre. I’m trying to keep the moving concept art in mind and maybe in the future try to do something with those techniques. I’d love to add even more mood to my concepts.
