To be a concept artist

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Anyone who likes design should check out Matt Rhodes blog post about his designs for Mass Effect and Dragon Age. I’m a big fan of Bioware’s visual language, of their games and while I’ve only spoken to Matt once and briefly, he too seemed like an awful nice guy; his character designs are one of the most sophisticated and classiest in the business and I can’t wait to see what they have been cooking up next.

His blog-post is very personal to me, being a concept artist and all. It’s often difficult to explain what it means to be one and what is required of you. Every company and every team is different, and while you can always find the default recruitment posts that say: “Concept artist needs to work with the Art director/lead and follow game design documents. Work multiple styles and know a lot of shit”. In essence it’s all that – but I find it to be a lot more complicated most days.

Most of the time in my career I haven’t had a game brief or a location brief and certainly not a story brief. All of those things are usually improvised to fit what ever you are building. Be it an ovesright in the development process or not, it’s still the daily reality of game development and being the first in line on the production side, we have to figure out how to move on without these materials. The role of an in-house concept artist is not to sit down and just draw from orders, it’s to dream, dream, dream and to push out a gazillion ideas. And then get most of them rejected, and that’s okay, because it’s our job to not take it personally and just come up with more ideas.

Most of the time in my career, I haven’t had an art director either, so the rejection/approval side of things has always been a little messy in my experience. By default, concept artists are the hands and legs of an AD and jump on all the vague ideas he or she wants to see or change. In the lack of one, we can either procrastinate or mature into mini-AD’s to keep the ball rolling. Nothing is worse than losing momentum and morale; I’ve seen confusion break people faster than torture.

For the past two and half years I’ve been working on the upcoming game Ryse, together with Kaija. It’s scheduled to release later this year on the new Xbox One and it’s been a very interesting journey, and I can’t express how gratifying it is to see how much I’ve learned and grown in that time. I’ve had the utmost pleasure of working with a really talented concept team and I won’t forget them ever. Check out concept art superstars Ramon Contini’s and Darren Bartley’s portfolios, and if you never seen Kaija’s concept art work, she has few images up here. My older concept art portfolio can be found here.

I’m hoping to make a similar post as Matt Rhodes did after Ryse gets released. Before that, here are two concept art pieces that I painted (of a gazillion million), released in an online article by Polygon.


Can’t wait to show you guys more. :)



Music, contest, J.K Rowling and progress.

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Angus & Julia Stone
This sibling band has been rocking our workspace for the past week. They have a beautiful, moody and very unique sound to them. They’re great to your alternative chill out needs. You can find them on Spotify or in your friendly music store. If not them, I’m rocking out with Muse or Biosphere.

I’d like to remind you guys that the Run Freak Run art contest is going on. Don’t miss your chance to win this original Run Freak Run page!
Run Freak Run fan art contest

J.K Rowling's novel
Now this was a big shocker, huge even and definitely positive: JK Rowling has a secret best seller: The Cuckoo’s Calling written under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. It’s a detective novel, not surprisingly. Most of her Harry Potter novels concerned around “Whodunit” mysteries and solving them one clue at a time. As an avid fan fan of hers, I have to check it out.

Kaija’s still working hard inking pages one by one. Here’s some updates. Hope you enjoy!
run freak run process

run freak run process


Run Freak Run Art Contest!

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Run Freak Run has run over six months now, and it’s time to celebrate with a fan art competition! Take part, dream and win the grand prize of an original page art!

The rules!

1. Run Freak Run themed.
It has to be about the world, the magic, the monsters or even about Inquisitor Two and her brand new wolf. Don’t feel too constrained in the world, but instead try to capture the essence of RFR as you feel it. Surprise us :)

2. Your participation can be in any art form imaginable.
It can be an ink drawing, a comic strip, a digital painting, a photograph, a poem, cosplay or even a prose-novel. Most importantly, have fun!

3. You can send in as many entries as you want.
Feel free to go nuts :)

4. The winner will be chosen by us.
The winner will be someone who, in our judgement, manages to capture the spirit and essence of the comic.

5. Entry deadline is 29th of July 2013, 9pm GMT. Send your entries to contact[at]

The prize!


The grand winner will win an original Run Freak Run page and get his or her work featured in the blog.

We will also feature the honorable mentions in the blog with links to their web pages and blogs!


We’re super excited about this contest and can’t wait what you guys come up with, with only three weeks time.

Silver and Kaija

So Neil Gaiman happened.

4 Comments on So Neil Gaiman happened.

So this happened.

Last Friday on our way back home from work we took a quick detour to the local bookstore and took home with us the new Neil Gaiman novel: Ocean at the end of the lane. I had also ordered it on Amazon, but it would had arrived a week later, and therefor cancelled it. It’s a Neil Gaiman novel for god’s sake, you don’t wait around with that.

The first Gaiman novel I read was The American Gods. I was hooked on the magic, the quirkiness and sad realism it portrays. It’s still one of my favorite novels ever and I full-heartedly recommend everyone to read it. I can also vouch for Neverwhere, Anansi Boys and The Graveyard Book. They should keep you busy and enchanted for a while. And of course, all The Sandman comics (they make a great Christmas present.)

I’m still digesting it, which I just finished today. Reading was a very beautiful experience, its lucid yet dreamlike and it doesn’t have any of the melodrama that most genrebooks pride themselves in. I also enjoyed the pacing of it. It’s a very different Gaiman story; it still has all of his classic elements of magic, clever writing and dark realism, but it also has something new, something that wasn’t there before. This time it feels mature as if Neil Gaiman grew up. The feeling is hard to describe but I’d say it doesn’t have the same adventure and coming-of-age feeling as his previous novels did.

I’m not yet sure what to make out of it yet, but I have a feeling that even when I appreciate Neil Gaiman’s mature take on life, I’m not quite ready to grow up with him yet, I still like my share of boyish adventure.

Kaija also picked up Casual Vacancy on sale. We’re both big fans of Harry Potter (well duh, obviously) so she was curious. I was too, but the first impressions have left me cold. Maybe I’ll warm up to it eventually, when I’m more grown up. :)

I’m curious to know what you guys have thought of these novels.


Photos from the studio

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I sneaked around and managed to snap photos of Kaija working on a future chapter. When I concentrate, I clench my jaw and narrow my eyes like a seasoned boxer, readying my face for any hits, making sure I won’t miss anything. I’m really not that intense, it’s just my face doing its thing. Unlike me, when Kaija focuses, her whole face relaxes and drops as if there’s not a single worry in the world. It can be amusing when photographed, but it’s also better for your jaw and neck pains since it won’t strain you at all. Today I got lucky, and managed to snap a very serene and peaceful photo of her doing her thing, making awesome art that make my days.

I can’t tell you guys enough how excited I am to see the chapter that Kaija is working on come alive. I wrote it first 6-9 months ago and it has stayed pretty much the same the whole time, besides a few iterations on minor things. It’s one of the stories that I was most excited about as it’s probably the most ambitious one for us; with plenty of magic, castles, Cardinals and witches. I don’t want to get too deep into it yet, you’ll see – eventually, but every time I see a new page for it, I’m blown away. She’s now about four pages into it and still has about 18-20 pages to go.

The day after tomorrow, Monday, the next RFR day is also the conclusion day for the now running were-wolf chapter. It’s been a real interesting chapter for us, for we’ve learned a lot during it, it’s been especially fun with the narration and I’ve really enjoyed how Kaija has portrayed the manic side of Two. I hope that next Monday you let us know how you’ve liked it as a whole.



Coffee stains on my table and a new RFR interview.

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I have coffee stains on my table. Sometimes I get real frisky with my cup and I get stains on my shirt too. It sucks.

Most artists I know have some kinds of stains around their workspace; be it coffee, tea or plain old food. It’s not nice or clean, not classy at all, but it’s almost impossible to avoid. You see, most artists work all the time and rather than stopping they keep working while they eat and drink too. They drink their coffees, eat their pizzas and cereals absent-mindedly and leave the dishes next to them while they continue working. It’s hard to break away from the zone, especially if it’s going well. And if it’s not going that well: well, then there’s even more reason to ignore the dishes.

I love coffee, I’ve mentioned this once or twice, but I don’t just love any kind of coffee. I love coffee like a little princess would and I only drink the best stuff that I can find. But Silver, it’s all just coffee, they’re all the same? There’s a taste difference in beans and then there’s an emotional difference. Knowing your coffee, its history and intent and knowing how to manipulate that to be the best tasting and drinking experience can make a dull everyday coffee moment something special, something you can embrace for the rest of your life.

I believe that rituals and daily habits pretty much define how happy you are.
As part of our rituals, Kaija makes all of my coffees and every time it feels like I’m getting a birthday present. You see, coffee is all kinds of special to me.

We still have Run Freak Run art prints available! They are printed beautiful archival paper with the highest quality of printing and they come signed by Kaija! We don’t know when we’ll do a reprint, so get yours before it’s too late! We are eternally grateful and love all who do so!

Some time ago we were interviewed for Super Excite! It’s a digital magazine entirely focused on comic books and they dedicated a lot of space for just having a discussion with us. The publication is finally out and worth checking it out!

So, grab a good mug of freshly grinded premium coffee, get some art for your walls and read an interview while listening to ANDRA – The rain don’t talk to me no more and a have a great, magnificent weekend like no other!

Love, Silver

On growing older and other fun

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Couple of weeks ago I found Silver’s first gray hair. Right on the edge of his mohawk. He didn’t seem fazed by it. He took the news with mild surprise and that was the end of that. I’m proud of him.

It also made me think: I’ve always thought that I will wear my grey hair with calm approval. Maybe even elegantly. But most importantly, as a fact that I won’t ever hide.

I want the development, experience and insight that pours in every year, and I will welcome the outward manifestation of those years as proof of something gained.

As a teenager my capabilities to digest my observations were so limited. I believe in five years I’ll look at the current me in similar fashion. At that point the teenager me would seem like a whole different person. Why would I want that person representing myself at age 30?

That is not to say I will grow old and “act my age”. I swear to grow wiser, not older. I’ll just take in what I learn along the way and continue adding that to my life, so it can constantly take new shapes.

The picture below is how I imagine me and Silver in 50 years to appear to people walking down the street ;)

I other news: we put all of “The one with all the birds”-chapter’s original pages on our Etsy-shop. Check them out!

Also, you can have a look at couple of new inking videos if you haven’t already seen them:


Tonight we dance like we’ve never read before.

11 Comments on Tonight we dance like we’ve never read before.


I’m crazy about the new Daft Punk album. I’ve always liked their music, some songs more than others, but I’ve never really been able to listen an album on a loop for hours. Random Access Memories is just what I need when writing or drawing. It’s melodic, soft and super fun with a sense of irony. And its great for dancing.

We’ve been dancing to the Soul Train video every day now, jamming away into the night. We’re slowly teaching ourselves to be part of the Soul Train Gang. Most important step to learning to dance is confidence, anything after that is just polish. Combine confidence with any repeating motion and you can call it dance. Trust me, it’s super easy to amaze people with just that.

I’ve been quiet on the reading side for a while, but I’ve promised myself to do better. Lately I finished Starship Troopers, Legend and Punk Rock Jesus. All extremely different stories, all very interesting reading experiences.

I’ll start with my favorite, Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein. There’s a high chance you’ve seen the movie Starship Troopers, an excellent movie, but who the hell would want to read a novel about it? I’m glad I was recommended to read the book, because I couldn’t have been more positively surprised. Starship Troopers the novel had very little to do with hardcore soldiering, which is good because I rarely care for that. Instead, it was intelligently articulated political debate about social order, morals and law. It’s funny, I rarely agree with anything totalitarian but the characters in the story had some valid points.

Once again, I want to point out that the novel is way different from the movie. Way.

Next was Legend by Marie Lu. Now this book was interesting for it was far more mainstream than Troopers could ever be. One might say it is riding the dystopia-wave that Hunger Games left behind and that it lacks some subtlety when it comes to foreshadowing plot or romance. But never the less it was a fun, straight-forward read that was very honest, innocent and thrilling. It was also very interesting to notice the influences of 1984 and Brave New World.

Dystopia in itself is quite a funny genre, I only hope it would broaden it’s range and mature from YA-romance to something what George R.R Martin did to fantasy with his gritty fantasy style. Then again, I guess that’s would be science-fiction then.

At last, Punk Rock Jesus by Sean Murphy.

Now this graphic novel is gorgeous. Each page is just a feast for eyes, the drawings are heavenly. I quite enjoyed the premise of Jesus being cloned as well. It’s an interesting story with a curiously unique setting, but I felt as if the plot could had been simplified closer to the ending. Never the less, it’s worth a read, you don’t miss out on this.

Just check out how gorgeous it is:

I just started reading Sex, Murder and the Meaning of Life by Douglas T. Kenrick and I have the Great Gatsby and the Secret Garden lined up for next. I’m looking to get back into some new epic fantasy, so if anyone has recommendations I’d love to hear them, they can range from Abercrombie to Brandon Sanderson.


Run Freak Run merchandise promotion!

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Did you ever find yourself wanting Run Freak Run merchandise? A nice new t-shirt or a hoodie for those fancy nights out? Well step in ladies and gentlmen for now’s your chance!

Society6 is kindly offering a special free shipping promotion on all items, excluding Framed Art Prints, Stretched Canvases and Throw Pillows with insert.
That leaves all t-shirts and hoodies, you get the gist.

We appreciate all or any support you readers give us and hope a few clothes might find a new home :)

Remember to use this link for the promotion to work and it only works until May 12.

Thank you!
– Silver