A different kind of post

by Kaija on Thursday, April 10th, 2014

Posted in: Runfreakrun
5 Comments on A different kind of post

I just thought I’d share something weird and non comic/drawing/reading related for a change:

Yesterday Silver sent me this youtube video about “Why women are crazy” from Anna Akana. I was expecting a funny tongue in cheek theory about the subject, but I was surprised Anna was talking about a very familiar sounding observation. One that I observed myself some years ago.

She had noticed that when she’s on the birth control pill she get completely emotionally unstable as opposed to her much calmer regular self. The first time I got on birth control I noticed THE EXACT SAME THING. Especially two weeks into the cycle I could start crying about anything. And I mean anything. Once I started crying because I didn’t feel like brushing my teeth. It’s something that’s always stuck in my memory for it’s sheer ridiculousness.

When I switched to a less strong birth control my mood irrationalities went down a little. Now I mostly get abysmally pessimistic when I get hungry… which probably has nothing to do with my hormone levels. But still, I’m sure there’s something to this theory. Or at least now I know there’s two people in the world experiencing this phenomena.

Some more info about Anna Akana: she is an actress and a writer and she has her own youtube channel.

Some of my favorite videos from her:

Balls, not boobs:

Overactive imagination:


(This is a conclusion that I’ve come to too. Storytelling sounds like a great blanket for most of my interest, although I’m still unwilling to give up a lot of hobbies that don’t fit in this box. And so long as I don’t go crazy, I’m probably going to dabble in stuff I don’t have time for!)

