Get your mango on.

by Silver on Sunday, March 29th, 2015

Posted in: Runfreakrun
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You know, we’re not only about moody witches, giant flying whale sci-fi, or pretentiously deep thoughts on the act of creation. We’re also particular about good food and the art of cooking.

And so today, we’d like to share with you a super simple, super fun food hack we just learned from the youtuber-chef Katie, who made our mango peeling just a lot more easier. It’s not like we eat mangos everyday, but when we do – we’d rather do it well. This incredibly silly little trick saves time and makes things a lot cleaner. Just check it out yourself.



Mind-blowning, right? All of Katie’s videos are great, so keep on watching. Here’s another pro-tip for the curious: after you’ve got the mango in a cup, add some yogurt, mix it up, and you’ve got a delicious mango-lassi on your hands.


“Studies have shown that people who cook are 169% happier than people who don’t.”




Nom nom nom,

Tweet tweet me your mango-tricks at @runfreakrun or just email us at silverandkaija[at] or don’t, whatever.