Google Art Project is my new heroin.

by Silver on Saturday, April 20th, 2013

Posted in: Runfreakrun
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I get distracted by pretty things easily, especially by anything art related. So needless to say when I stumbled upon something so wonderful as Google Art Project – a collection of high-resolution photographs of fine art from Museums across the globe – I felt the world explode.

A friend and colleague of mine, Ramon, introduced this to me (thanks Ramon). Google Art Project is like heroin, and he was my dealer. He lured me in with the promise of fun time, drugged me and now I can’t go back to life without it.

First of all, the most impressive part of the whole experience is just how good of a quality the images have. Just look at this painting by John Singer Sargent. Look at it real close. You can see the individual brushstrokes all crisp and sharp. Breathtaking, right?

And that’s just a beginning, a whiff of what’s to come. Let’s go in deeper, let’s go into the world of Sorolla. I have to warn you thought, you might not come back.

Okay, you made it this far. Good job.

Or maybe you don’t like impressionistic realism at all and that was boring to you, that’s fine too – Google Artproject has you covered. Let’s throw away all that realistic shit and check out some creepy Russian Icon paintings for change. Wouldn’t you just want a room full of them? I would. I bet you would too.

I feel like an advertiser, but that’s how cool the site is for me. I’m amazed how wide their collection is. How broad the collections are. Just dwell into these galleries of Oriental art from China, Japan and India. This dude is too cool for school.

So there we are. Technology and Google has once again outdone itself, making the world a little bit more convenient and a lot more fun. I hope you enjoy Google Art Project too.


Have a great weekend,
xoxo Silver